First comic
Previous comic


About a year or so ago, Random Acts Of Madness opened on Keenspace's servers.
About six months afterwards, it ground to a screeching halt.
The fact that it's taken me six more months to write this epitaph has to say something. I think it says (in a rather loud, obnoxious voice) that Random Acts is pretty much dead in the water now.

Why? Well, my workload at uni was getting to be a little more than I could handle, plus my not having a scanner at home really hampered efforts to get the comic done. I scanned in batches, coloured what I could and uploaded when I could. However, artist's block set in and I was flat out getting other stuff done, so essentially the whole thing ground to a halt.

I'm not over art or comics, though. No bloody way.
At my other website,, you can see the results of a lot of artistic blood, sweat and fear (of various kinds). Plus I'm thinking of bringing another comic together, but I'll host it on my own webspace and release a new one when it's done, no sooner. This doesn't mean I don't like Keenspace - despite the problems I had when I was running the site, I thought it was a great provider, and well worth the effort to get things working.

For now, I hope to be able to leave this collection of comics on this site as a gravestone, if the people at Keenspace will permit it. If something new comes up, or that new comic comes around, I'll let you know by putting a link up somewhere on the page.

Well, I hate long goodbyes, so I'll take a leaf from the book of Douglas Adams (may he rest in peace) as I leave the building.

So long, and thanks for all the hits.

-geoffrey roberts (the artist)
 February 12th, 2002

PS. My old e-mail address is probably not the best one to use right now due to Hotmail being spam-infested. Blech. Try g.roberts at blackicemedia dot com, I check that one regularly.